Low Calori high nutrition Cashew Nuts
Cashew nuts sheller machine is the first step you get the edible cashew nuts. Cashew nuts calorie and nutrition are two most important aspects that people concern much. High blood pressure, obesity and over high cholesterol are caused by taking excessive calories to some extent. Nowadays, people are inclined to take something low in calorie, and thus they make a mistake that keep away from all thing contained calorie. Actually, their actions are extremely. Calorie are one of the necessary elements that body relies on.

The following is a cashew nuts nutrition list and from that you can have a clear idea about the nutrients of cashew. Each 100g cashew nuts contain:

There are cashew nuts sheller machine and roaster machine in this company, and you can consult the engineers in our company that whether there is a chance to combine the cashew nuts sheller and roaster together.